Great! In order to accept all that God has to offer us through Jesus, we must:
We must repent, or change our mind, about sin and what we used to think would get us into heaven. Good works, keeping the 10 commandments, and not hurting people will not get us into heaven. We cannot save ourselves based on our actions.
Trust in Jesus.
We must stop putting our trust in ourselves, and instead trust in what Christ has done for us on the cross. He paid the penalty for our sins.
Talk to God. Ask Him to forgive you of your sins, and give you eternal life with Him.
Take a few moments to pray the prayer below.
God, I know that I have sinned and have fallen short of your perfect standard. I believe that your son Jesus has taken all my sins and has paid the price for me with His blood as a sacrifice on the cross. I ask you for forgiveness. I entrust myself to you as Lord and Savior, and I receive your free gift of eternal life. Amen.
Did you pray the prayer above?