Knowing that you have eternal life will settle and establish your heart with confidence and peace. Your transition from this temporary life into life everlasting will be anticipated, instead of dreaded.
The most important thing to understand though, is on what basis do you receive eternal life?
Suppose you were to die today, and you were to stand before God and He were to ask you, 'Why should I let you into my Heaven?' What would you say?
Look at the list below and think about which ones apply to you. Then press "Continue."
I have kept the Ten Commandments.
I give money to the church.
I regularly attend church.
I am pretty good person overall.
I pray to God all the time.
I have not hurt anybody.
I try to do the right thing.
The most important thing to understand though, is on what basis do you receive eternal life?
Suppose you were to die today, and you were to stand before God and He were to ask you, 'Why should I let you into my Heaven?' What would you say?
Look at the list below and think about which ones apply to you. Then press "Continue."
I have kept the Ten Commandments.
I give money to the church.
I regularly attend church.
I am pretty good person overall.
I pray to God all the time.
I have not hurt anybody.
I try to do the right thing.